*Gustav Holst's 'Jupiter' from the Planets is one of the greatest melodies written. Ever. No one should be allowed to set patriotic clap-trap lyrics to it. Ever. And yet a certain Z. Randall Stroope did. His name says it all. Why oh why did Dr. Stalter allow this to be programmed? I hope that I forget these awful words immediately if not sooner. And if I don't, Z. Stroope, if I am cursed to forevermore associate you with 'Jupiter,' I wish only that there might be a special place reserved for you in the seventh layer of Dante's Inferno.
Play a million and one voice recitals, check
Take listening exam* for post-1960 music**, check
Play choir concert for Camerata, check
Play portative organ for Kantorei, tomorrow (didn't have my camera handy tonight, but I hope to score a sweet picture to post here re: this organ)
Play penultimate voice recital, Sunday
Play ultimate voice recital (of the semester), sometime in June? [thanks be to incompletes]
Play C minor violin sonata by Grieg, Tuesday
Fail piano lesson because I've been doing too damn much accompanying, Tuesday
Go to Hawk Wok and have a Simpsons and beer marathon before collapsing, Wednesday
*If I have calculated correctly, I think I got a 93 on this exam. Not as stellar as the 100 on the mid-term, but passable nonetheless.
**What I loved on this exam:
Berio, Sinfonia, 3rd mvt. I think I could listen to it all day long.
Rochberg, String Quartet No. 3
Tan Dun, Death and Fire, Insert 2: Senicio (incidentally, Paul Klee's Senecio happens to be one of my favorite paintings)
Schnittke, Concerto Grosso No. 4, 1st mvt
What I liked on the exam:
Elliot Carter, String Quartet No. 3
Boulez, Notations, 2nd mvt
(both surprises, yes?)
What I never want to hear again:
Crumb, Night of the 4 Moons (bongos? seriously?)
Takemitsu, Piano Distance (Boulez already did all that, and I don't want to listen to that either)
Berio, Piano Sonata (Too. Damn. Long. There is no need for 23 minutes of this)
Finally, finally, my eyelids are drooping. I still sort of want that beer, but I want a complete REM cycle even more. Let's hope this attempt at sleeping is successful.
1 comment:
Do you ever listen to St. Vincent? This is random, but I think you'd like her new album, "Actor."
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