Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wednesday night, or, the last gasp of freedom

TA meetings tomorrow. Actually, there were some yesterday, but today was a bit of a respite, since from here on out, there's school stuff. Every day. Until December. (Sigh.)

But I like school! And anyway, that's not the reason for this post. The reason for this post is so that I can rip off someone else's idea while simultaneously avoiding going to bed. Which is this: type "your name + needs" into Google and see what happens. You probably discovered this a hundred years ago, but I discovered it tonight.  

I get (I just start where my name is; sometimes it's the middle of a sentence):

Ann needs men's clothes
Ann needs a forever home
Ann Needs Your Help!
Ann needs donations
Ann needs a ride to Baltimore airport
Ann needs a Blackberry
Ann needs 3 Loves now
Ann needs to "practice what she preaches"*
Ann needs you?
Ann needs to recognize and name that she is lonely
Ann needs a "dark skies" policy
Ann NEEDS to be retrained*
Ann needs to plan for that happy day when she is debt free
Ann needs to stop talking so much*
Ann needs a helping hand
Ann needs a milkshake

and my personal favorite
Ann needs a spanking.

*I think they're referring to Ann Coulter. Now she needs a spanking.

Currently playing on iTunes: Glass Vase Cello Case by Tattle Tale.

1 comment:

Mike Simon said...

I thought the name + needs search was a great idea until the overwhelming majority of the responses came back "Mike needs help!!!!"

Now I'm just depressed.