Sunday, September 21, 2008

"Socialist Baby-Killing Maggots"

Last week a drunk Hawkeye Fan told me that I look like Sarah Palin. SARAH PALIN. WTF. I was so angry by that I could barely squeak out words to explain why she is one of the most evil women in history, with the possible exception of Phyllis Schlafly. Grr. Grrrrr. Anyway, I just read this post, maybe there is hope and I don't have to become totally disillusioned with our country yet.  

This is a short post, and I've been absolutely meaning to write for a while. When in the first week of school you get only 5 hours of sleep a night, you know that things are busy. So I'm off to learn some more of Prokofiev 2nd movement.

Currently listening to: 

Barber Violin Concerto, 2nd movement, played by Hilary Hahn

Also on heavy rotation: 

Pieta Brown, 
Tim Buckley, 
Caroline Smith and the Good Night Sleeps 

Best dessert of the week: 

Pistachio Rosewater cake at Fair Grounds. YUM.

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